Wednesday, 19 October 2016


Surrealist poetry has really taken my interest during the last week or so and I am busily writing away every day with my idea of it.
It came to a point this week when I wrote Autumn, and the words flowed beautifully. I have since recorded it onto Youtube and you are very welcome to take a look below.

I love to read aloud what I have written, it gives the piece more life and also enables you to iron out any mistakes. My goal this year, or early next, is to take my poems to the Poetry Cafe in London, which is run by the Poetry Society, but is currently undergoing refurbishment.
It would be a dream to get my poetry out there, whatever your thoughts on the form, it is a wonderful way to communicate and if you are a budding and busy writer, it helps to give you a richer language. 

I have also started on my poetry project, and this is the first picture of my poem/painting Love Is the Moon

This is a project very dear to my heart, and I have written a number of poems on a similar theme with the aim of turning them all into paintings and (hopefully) getting them seen somewhere. 
These pieces are not surreal, just talking about the power of love and how it can be all-consuming.

Poetry is very dear to me, I enjoy the work of Sylvia Plath, Breton and the Beat poetry. Whatever the outcome, it is fun to do, and that is what poetry should It is another way of exploring dialogue and language and a beautiful way to describe the world around you.

Give it a go.

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