Friday, 27 January 2017

Snacking in a Surreal World

Surreal snacking has always been a treat for me. It started when I was younger and would experiment with food, in the form of mixing a tin of tuna with a tin of baked beans, and having this on toast; I called it tuna and baked beans on toast.

This one act started my revolution with food and gave me the impetus to continue on my quest for the ultimate surreal snack.

My next course of action was to produce a delicate treat that has lasted for over thirty as a staple of comfort food. The recipe is really quite simple, cheese on toast, and then with extreme care place two boiled eggs on top. I have used poached eggs but found that they were a little tasteless, and fried eggs are a no-no as that would make the meal too greasy, boiled eggs work perfectly. Working the two together really does make for a delightful teatime treat, and when the egg breaks and the yolk pours out onto the melted cheese it is sheer heaven.  I use thick bread for this when I can, a good farmhouse loaf that crunches when you bite into it, and mature cheddar for the cheese is a must. This meal is my go-to for comfort, when I’m feeling cold or tired or down, then cheese on toast with an egg on top is what is required. It also works as a great hangover cure. Not that I get many hangovers at all of course.

The best cure for a hangover, someone once told me, is to remain drunk.

I have come across an ancient hangover cure that has proved to be popular with sadists, and that is to beat yourself across the chest with a bunch of lavender. I’m not quite sure how this works for a hangover but I suppose that the act of beating probably works you up into a sweat and then, most likely because you feel stupid, you quickly forget that you ever had a headache and that you are actually all well. I imagine though that the whipping action would drive you to drink, and that is not a good thing. Too much alcohol is good for the soul but not much cop for the liver.

Lavender can be a useful ingredient when it comes to cooking a leg of lamb. If you are about to set off and cook a roast dinner then you could do worse than use lavender on your lamb. It creates an unusual taste but one that is quite satisfying. Lavender is one of those ingredients that has been forgotten as time has moved on and it is seen something as more of a toilet cleaner than a necessary condiment to food. However, I have tried lavender flavoured biscuits and they really did taste like a toilet block, it was not a pleasant experience and was one of the few times that I have spat out a biscuit.  However, biscuits aside, it works with lamb and I ask that you try this not as a cure for a hangover, but as a wonderful addition to the flavour of your roast dinner.

You can catch my blog on surreal snacking at   where you will find recipes for a whole host of sandwiches with unusual fillings.



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