Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Fairies and their Origins

I have recently spent some time looking into fairy lore and came across an article that suggested fairies are the off spring of angels.

This article, which I found through Folklore Thursday, explained that in the past, angels would come down to Earth and form a close relationship with female humans, and the end result of this pairing would be to give birth to a fairy. It is said that the angels were so overcome with desire for the beautiful female form of the humans that they would be willing to risk their place in heaven for them.

Of course, in the male orientated world that is our religious beliefs, all angels were male, meaning that they could sow their seed into any woman that they found desirable. Interesting that God did not see fit to create female angels. Or, more to the point, the tales that have derived from man years of telling have conveniently swiped over any type of female angel.

But perhaps that is being too basic, in The Bible, and in religious pictures, angels are not depicted to be in human form so could not be one gender or another. Still, for the benefit of the creation of fairies, a male angel having sex with a female human is a step forward in explaining how fairies came to be.

Fairies are renowned for being mischievous creatures intent on causing mayhem to the human world around them. So the very idea that a fairy would have a human and an angel as their parents is something that I find very intriguing.

Fairies form a large part of our culture, both here in  England and throughout Wales, Scotland and Ireland. They are seen not as the little sprites that we have come to know, mainly through the likes of Disney, but were tall, strident and confident beings with a very sexual nature.

Their desires have played out in many folk tales, not least the Fairy King Lir, who had a wife that died after she had given him four children. The new wife became so jealous of his love for his four children that she condemned them all to live as swans.

Next time you see a swan, gliding gracefully over the water, perhaps you are seeing a glimpse of fairy royalty.

Fairies can be good or bad, light or dark, and the general way of thinking is that you are most likely to see a fairy at twilight.

Of course, twilight is a very magical time for anything, that moment before the sun sets and it is just light enough to glimpse into other worlds. Before the night takes over and the world is plunged into darkness.

For further readings about fairies and their lore, I would direct you to the very informative Folklore Thursday website, which can be found at:

Fairies have been in popular culture for hundreds of years, and probably the most famous fairy of them all, the Tooth Fairy, you would think has been around forever, but he or she only came to our attention in 1900. Whether you believe in fairies or not, children will always believe in the idea of earning money.
Zac Thraves is a storyteller and writer living in Kent; if you wish to book him to come along to your party, young or old,  or to give a speech at your local school then please contact him at    

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