There is a saying, turn over a new leaf, and for most of my
life it has been lost on me what the power of that saying is.
But when you take time to look at it, realise what it
actually means and give in to it. Then it quickly becomes apparent to me that
this is something that needs to be done on a cyclical basis.
Turning over a new leaf is a phrase of turn meaning to act
or behave in a different manner that which you have done so before.
To me, it means that everything has to change, and it is in
changing that you can bring positive order to your life. As we grow we develop,
both mentally and physically; whereas once you would have enjoyed a certain
point of view, events in your life or the world around you make that opinion
adapt and evolve into something fuller or different. To be unwilling to open your mind and take in
different aspects of the world would indicate to me that you are stuck, and if
you are stuck then you are not moving forward.
In fact, you are not moving anywhere.
Sometimes trudging through life can feel like wading through
quicksand, and each step that you take is more difficult than the last. As you
continue on the journey, and the path gets ever harder, you wonder if it
worthwhile, and begin to question your motives. So what do you do? Plough on
regardless? Look back at where you have come from and consider returning? Or,
is this a good opportunity to ask yourself some questions, take a look at the
map, and consider alternative directions?
Everything has to change. There is no straight forward
answer to anything. Just think about how many times your thinking has to change
in a single day as you subconsciously adapt to the environment around you. The
number is enormous, whether it be your drive into work, or your decision over
what to eat for lunch, or perhaps something like what you wish to write about
when it comes to sitting at a computer and typing.
I had no intention when I sat to write this to come up with
a scenario about change, I wanted to write about something mystical and
magical; but the phrase ‘turn over a new leaf’ popped into my head and this is
where it has led me, 405 words later.
Perhaps I am in a transitionary period and this means
something to me. It is worth acknowledging to the failings and successes of
life as you go along. If something that you are doing in your life is not
working to your advantage, then perhaps it is time to change it in one way or
Transitions are scary, and sets you off on a path that is
initially unknown. But, soon you will begin to recognise the landscape as you
journey on and realise that this is not the means to an end, but the beginning
of a new part of your life.
Another saying, this time ascribed to T.S. Eliot, goes: it
is not the destination, but the journey that really matters.
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