Friday, 22 March 2019

An Unhappy World Needs Changes and Leaders

The world is an unhappy place. On the one hand you have climate change and on the other you have rising mental health problems. You have ignorance amongst the politicians and rising poverty. You have Disney behaving like one of its own monsters and you have artists being expected to give their work away for free.

The world is unhappy, or more to the point, the human race in unhappy.

It is time for a change…

Like that feeling when you wake up from the zombie-like state of gazing at a television which drones on and on and you realise that you are not connected to this message; that, the image being displayed means as much to you as a screen of fuzz. Picture the poster for Poltergeist, and then imagine that you are jolted awake by your heart and you bolt up.

What do you do in that situation? - You CHANGE CHANNELS

Change is the only thing that effectively makes your pain better, and yet the one thing that many of us fear the most is, change.

So, here’s a book which can help overcome such a thing: TRIBES, Seth Godin.

Here he explains to you how you can be a leader and how important it is to lead and not manage. Managers react to situations, which is divisive, disruptive and causes stress; leaders do not do those things - leaders see things and look into the far distance, they make things happen, they cause the reaction.

Personally, I am in an unhappy and undesirable situation. My working life, in that I mean the place where I must spend most of my waking time, is very poor. When I was tested for mental health, I would always have to fill out a questionnaire asking me how I was feeling on a scale of one to ten; ten being great and one being suicidal. My working life is ONE.

My imaginary working life is wonderful. I write and play with my imagination; record poems and devise my imagination workshop. However, the real-world bites and that morning slog into the office to fulfil my duties, of which I care less and less, is the worst part of a bad day.

Here is the career pattern which I have found myself in: I receive negative feedback, not positive, anything positive is kept silent. We are run by reactives, not forward-thinkers. I am bored. There is no progression. I have reached as far as I can go and there are no more challenges.

I guess, taking my own advice into my hands, that I need to change.

So the idea is to become a leader and learn from the words in TRIBES. Within those pages you are asked to challenge the status quo, to embrace your tribe and behave like a leader. To trust in your faith and not in religions. In short, to be true to you and what you want.
What I don’t want is this empty feeling anymore. What I do want is a challenge, to be rewarded both financially and mentally. To feel a sense of achievement. I want change.

So, my promise to myself is this: (written as film titles)


And the immortal words of Bowie - CHANGES

(Turn and face the strange)

Be Punk, Creative, Bohemian, Corporate, whatever, JUST LEARN...

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