Thursday, 7 March 2019

Create Chaos and Create Change to Your Life

Ant-Man and The Wasp threw up an interesting theory about life and time and all the wibbly-wobblyness of it, in that it can be disturbed and create alternate realities.

Bill Foster, the character played by Laurence Fishburne (who has history with realities and time and that with The Matrix), explains to Michael Douglas and Paul Rudd that an isolated system or reality can be held in multiple phases at the same time.

With Douglas pursuing his wife in the Quantum Realm, this throws up multi-layered possibilities for the next Avengers movie.

But, can we use this when pursuing a new life, career, change or just to throw things around in your playpen?

If an isolated system is disturbed it becomes chaotic - unpredictable, dangerous, beautiful. It can exist in multiple phases at the same time, multiple parallel realities; The object itself would be in and out of existence at the time.

If your life is the isolated system, and you disturb it into chaos, you can create any reality that you like, and it will exist or not exist because of that. What you think can become the reality, even if others say it isn’t. Their systems have not been disturbed, so they are not looking at the same thing as you are.

With that in mind you can take risks and make that chaos rich and beautiful, or you can leave it to slumber and develop into The Blob, as seen in the 1950’s.

I believe that we are responsible for any reality that happens in our lives. Therefore, if we are unhappy or unfulfilled in that reality, we can change it and mix it. So how about creating a little chaos to disturb your current reality and thus creating a new one.

I mean, the universe works that way, it is entirely chaotic and rarely does what is expected of it by our logical and narrow-minded ways. Yet we remain in our small offices staring out of the window and go home to sit in front of a screen after spending the previous 8 hours…. staring at a screen and, we call that LIFE.

What’s the harm in dreaming?
                                                            What’s the harm in making those real?

If your reality is the only one that is disturbed why can’t you choose to make it funky?

Containing Chaos by Michael Lang

You can change your life, but you must create chaos, and this does not affect anybody else unless they decide to change their lives accordingly.

After all, a dormant thing that is made chaotic can become:


I want to be U.D.B.

Perhaps I’ll make a t-shirt.

In short, I think my mind is closed around this idea of society and behaving and earning and doing what I am told and…

For what?

You throw a little chaos in there and do something unexpected, like unleash a little meteor shower into your universe, who knows where that might lead you. If you feel the same, throw in a wormhole and create some portals to your other realities. It might just get you out of a rut.

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