Friday 6 January 2012


Happy New Year readers and I hope that this year is THE year for you. Although most of the predictions appear to be doom and gloom, with more of the same, I for one feel very positive about 2012. The last few years have been emotionally draining and hard, due in most part to myself, but I have this burning feeling inside me that 2012, whether or not it is the end of the world or not (!), is a 'doing-year'.

Preparing and finally publishing Pirates Vs Fairies was a huge step forward for me; not only did it give me the confidence in my own ability at writing but also led me to understand the self-publishing side of things, as well as introducing me to the whole e-book world which is catching on at great speed.

From there on I need fresher and larger steps, bolder ways forward to push my product to another level. So far I have articles available at Hubpages, such as Watching Real Rain; or poems like, Haunted Rose and Inky-veiled Heart. I have also written plays, some of which have been performed. None however are available on-line which is something I need to change for 2012.

This year will see a positive change of direction, where I take myself seriously as a business. I love writing, I love the creative process and I am learning to love the marketing aspect of it. What I still find a challenge is the editing of what I have already written, feeling that as one project is done I need to move on to the next; but with a change in focus I can concentrate effort on one piece at a time.

So for 2012 I have a sitcom competition to enter; a one-act play to enter; a book to write; a new blog to create and promote; a website to create and work on with my other half; a book to promote and sell 1,000 copies of  and I need representation for my work. Some of that is for January only, all of that is my first six months ambitions.

I also have projects on the go with a group of people; my fellow actors from Look Back In Anger are very keen to put on one of my plays this year and enter it into a festival. I have also had a meeting with a local writer about creating and publishing a book for charity.

Most importantly I want to be earning a living doing what I love doing. I want this blog to start to generate an income; I want articles and short stories I have written to generate an income and I want scripts to be performed and generate an income.

As I read and re-read all of this I begin to realise just how exciting life can be if you succeed at doing what it is you want to be doing.

For all I know I could be sitting on a gold-mine; there's only one way to find out...

Set goals everyone, realistic ones, then set out to achieve them.

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